Literature in Translation
Recently there has been a significant increase in the study of literature in translation from languages that were previously unrecognized on a global scale. There are many reasons as to why one must study literature in translation and its importance and the effect it could have on an individual. Studying literature helps us discover and indulge in different cultures and explore a different style of thinking as well as different ideologies than the ones we own. Translating a text requires an ideal amount of studying due to it being a very difficult task due to various reasons. In order to be successful at the task, one must indulge in different cultures and become proficient in the understanding of different beliefs and values. Reading a translated book could be more difficult and complicated than is seems, due to the fact that some meanings and certain characters could have a significant meaning in a certain culture, and another meaning in another culture. This then cause significant meanings to be lost due to a difference in the way certain aspects of the stories are perceived and distinguished. In certain languages, some words cannot be translated word for word, this causes a mass confusion in certain meanings within certain texts/novels/stories.
Good job Abousen. I like how you said that studying a book in another languages means studying another culture since we have to learn other ideologies and values specific to that culture.